Please inform us immediately if you are unable to adhere to the below advice as you may not be suitable for laser treatment at this time.
Pre-Treatment guide
8 weeks prior to treatment: No waxing, plucking or threading for at least 8 weeks and/or between treatments.
4 weeks prior to treatment: Do not expose the skin to UV or self-tan for at least 4 weeks before and/or between laser treatments.
2 weeks prior to treatment:You must avoid any photo sensitive medication 1-2 weeks prior to the appointment.
1 week prior to treatment: Avoid intense exfoliation, microdermabrasion or peels. Treatment area should not be dry or flaky prior to the treatment.
24-48 hours prior to treatment: Do not use bleaching creams or perfumed products. It is advisable not to apply oils on the treatment area 48hrs prior to the treatment.
Please also:
Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before or after treatment.
Avoid wearing tight clothes when attending treatment sessions.
Hydrate the body by drinking plenty of water.
Protect the skin from sun exposure with suitable clothing and use sunblock SPF 30+ before first treatment and between subsequent treatment sessions but do not use sun blocking creams within 24 hours of scheduled treatments.
Post Treatment guide
For 48 hours:
Avoid all heat treatments including hot baths, saunas, steam baths and hot showers.
No swimming in strongly chlorinated water.
Do not use bleaching creams.
Avoid strenuous exercise after the treatment
Avoid perfumed products e.g. soaps, creams or perfumes.
Leave any temporary skin responses such as redness to subside naturally.
Do not touch, pick scratch or otherwise irritate the treated area.
For 3-10 days
No shaving.
For 1 week: Do not exfoliate the treated area or use peel.
For 2 weeks:
No UV exposure
No self-tan
Avoid waxing, plucking, threading (at all times during a course)
Avoid depilation creams.
Avoid prolonged outdoor activity that may expose the skin to a lot of wind or sun.
You may experience “hair shedding” the first 2 weeks after treatment which is sometimes mistaken for hair growth.
For 6 weeks:
Use sun protection SPF30+
Limit sun exposure and do not use tanning beds.
Note: Hot and humid conditions can aggravate skin immediately after treatment. Skin cooling can be very helpful, a cold compress or post laser cream can improve comfort and reduce any swelling or redness.
If scabbing, blistering or signs of infection occur Contact Meso clinic immediately if you have any concerns related to your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly.
​Pre-Treatment guide
With any injectable treatment, there is a possibility of bruising. Bruising can be minimised by avoiding medications and products that thin the blood, such as aspirin, fish oils, ibuprofen and alcohol. While we can NEVER guarantee that you will not swell or bruise, we do our best to make the experience as easy as possible. Whilst the vast majority of patients will not bruise, there are a few “at home” things you can do to help:
Avoid fish oil, aspirin, ibuprofen and alcohol for a few days prior to your treatment. These substances are natural blood thinner and will make you more likely to bruise.
Avoid supplements including St. John’s Wart, gingko biloba, primrose oil, garlic, ginseng, and Vitamin E for 1 week prior to your treatment.
Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any high potency anti-ageing products for 3 days prior to your treatment.
Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or hair removal cream on the area to be treated for 3 days prior.
Avoid excessive sun exposure.
Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours prior to your treatment.
You can pre-treat yourself with both oral and topical Arnica, a homeopathic remedy. Arnica can lessen or reduce the chance and severity of a bruise.
If you are a person who bruises easily, if you have thin skin, or if you are on blood-thinners, you are more likely to bruise.
If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needle punctures could contribute to another eruption of cold sores. Please let doctor know if you are prone to cold sores.
Cosmetic injectables are not suitable if you are pregnant, lactating or have an allergy to any of the ingredients of the injectables. Please inform us if you have any questions about this prior to your treatment.
​Contact Meso clinic immediately if you have any concerns regarding your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly.
Post-Treatment guide
To help reduce the accidental spread of Botulinum-based substance to neighbouring muscle groups, we recommend that you avoid lying flat for 4 hours post treatment.
AVOID applying pressure or massaging the treated areas for around 24 hours. procedure.
AVOID strenuous exercise and yoga after the procedure.
AVOID any facial beauty treatments after the treatment.
Some patients experience a slight headache after the treatment, which can be managed with paracetamol if required.
We may recommend Arnica cream to treat any bruising.
Note that any bumps or marks from the extremely small needle pricks will go away within an hour. If you do develop a bruise it will resolve like any other bruise.
There is occasionally some mild pain, swelling, itching, or redness at the site of injection similar to most other injections. Redness may last for 1-2 days, rarely longer.
Anti-wrinkle injection can take from 2 days to up to 14 days before a muscle relaxing effect occurs.
The aim of treatment is not to stop all expression, but to reduce the intensity of the muscle activity that causes the lines in the areas treated. In most people the benefits of the procedure last about 3-4 months. Sometimes a few wrinkles may start to return in 2-3 months. The effectiveness of injection will last longer with successive treatments.
Contact Meso Clinic if you have any concerns or further questions related to your treatment so we can advise you accordingly
​Post-Treatment guide
Redness and swelling are normal. Bruising may also be visible.
You may experience some tenderness at the treatment site that can last for a few hours or a few days.
Depending upon the area treated and product used, you may feel “firmness” in the treated area for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Over time, the area will soften and “settle”.
Apply an ice or cold gel pack to the area treated (avoiding pressure) as this helps reduce swelling and the potential for bruising.
AVOID wearing make-up for 12 hours after your filler treatment.
AVOID placing excessive pressure on the treated area for the first few hours and up to 2 to 3 days.
Be very gentle when cleansing your face or applying makeup.
AVOID exercise or strenuous activities for 24 hours post treatment; you may resume other normal activities/routines immediately.
AVOID sauna, steam rooms and extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. You may wish to apply broad spectrum sunscreen.
Wait a minimum of six weeks (or as directed by your doctor) before receiving any skin care or laser treatments.
Contact Meso clinic immediately if you have any concerns related to your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly.
​Post-Treatment guide
Following treatment, a cold compress can be applied to the area if required.
Use of mild analgesics may be advised in case of any discomfort.
The treated area can be washed gently after 4-5 hours.
Patients are advised to avoid dental treatments, facial massage or facial aesthetic treatments in the week immediately following the procedure.
Contact Meso clinic immediately if you have any concerns related to your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly.
​Post-Treatment guide
Do not pick at or exfoliate the flaking skin.
Use products as recommended by your practitioner and an SPF of at least 30.
Do not expose your skin to intense direct sunlight.
Avoid exposing the area to any extremes of heat (tepid water only).
Avoid harsh, perfumed, astringent, AHA or alcohol-based products for 24-48 hours.
Do not go swimming in a chlorinated pool for one week.
Do not have any other clinical treatment such as laser or IPL, waxing, microdermabrasion, dermal rollering, facial steaming or electrolysis for 1 – 4 weeks.
Avoid make-up on the area for 6 hours, unless mineral make-up specifically formulated for post procedural application.
For full and rapid healing do not put your body under undue strain for the next few days, for example: excessive gym work or other regenerative treatments.
Contact MESO CLINIC immediately if you have any concerns regarding your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly
​Post-Treatment guide
Skin will be red and feel warm, but this should subside within 12-48 hours depending on depth of treatment and skin condition.
Your skin may feel dry and flaky for a few days. Do not pick at or exfoliate the flaking skin.
Use products as recommended by your practitioner and an SPF of at least 30
Do not expose your skin to intense direct sunlight
Avoid exposing the area to any extremes of heat (tepid water only)
Avoid harsh, perfumed, astringent, AHA or alcohol-based products for 24-48 hours
Do not go swimming in a chlorinated pool for one week
Do not have any other clinical treatment such as laser or IPL, waxing, microdermabrasion, facial steaming or electrolysis for 1 – 4 weeks
Avoid make-up on the area for 6 hours, unless mineral make-up specifically formulated for post procedural application
For full and rapid healing do not put your body under undue strain for the next few days, for example: excessive gym work or other regenerative treatments.
Contact MESO CLINIC immediately if you have any concerns regarding your treatment so that we may advise you accordingly.